Daily Smart Fact

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Archive for the ‘Science’ Category

Daily Smart Fact #33: This is My Nightmare

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Key Takeaway: Lampsilis Mussels spend their youth living inside of a large-mouth bass.  They get in their by their doting mom, who lures the bass in by pretending to be a darter fish and then…get this…SQUIRTING her babies into the fish’s mouth when it takes a bite.  The babies then clamp onto the mouth until they develop into maturity.  Ever heard of the movie…ALIENS?!

I stumbled upon this video about Lampsilis Mussels – they have a tough life cause, you know, they don’t have legs.  Seems like a big problem since they need to spend a portion of their lifecycle inside the mouth of a large-mouth bass. (Do they have small-mouth bass? Seems kind of rude to point out someone’s unattractive feature as a part of their name.  Like Big Butt Brenda or Small Hands Larry).  Anyway, since these mussels don’t have legs, they get pretty creative in camouflaging themselves as darter fish.  Watch the video, it’s incredible.  These freaking mussels make themselves look like fish!

The moment the bass gets tricked and tries taking a bite, BAM, the mussel literally squirts hundreds of babies into its mouth.  How freaky deaky is that?  Watch the video below and let me know what kind of nightmares you have later tonight…you’re welcome.

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Written by Bea

July 18, 2013 at 11:30 am

Posted in Biology, Science

Daily Smart Fact #30: Science! Top 10 Catchiest Songs of All Time

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Badass mofos and arguably the best band of all time.

Badass mofos and arguably the best band of all time.

Takeaway: “Science” (I don’t know why that’s in quotation marks, just seems right) has identified the top 10 catchiest songs based on 4 guiding principles: 1) They contained long and detailed musical phrases; 2) The chorus (or hook) had several pitch changes; 3) The singers were male (pfft); and 4) There was a noticeable higher male vocal level.  Shockingly enough, Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson, and Robin Thicke are not mentioned in this list.

I’ve been driving myself and my husband crazy the past couple of days because I have been humming Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” non-stop. This earworm has been consistently in my brain, “hey hey hey”, driving me batty.  Which made me think…why is this song so catchy?  What makes any song so catchy, and more importantly, how do we replicate this for my next successful career in pop rock?  Well, look no longer…appears I just need to be a man, with a high singing voice.

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Written by Bea

June 17, 2013 at 12:00 pm

Posted in Science